Tuesday, January 10, 2006

It's magic!

Thanks to the sleeping pills Dr. Hagege gave me I slept all night last night, from midnight to 07:00, for the first time since October! It was a wonderful feeling to wake up feeling as though I'd actualy slept.

Most of the rest of the medication he gave me however is practically useless. It's mostly tablets and I can't swallow them. One would have thought that a throat specialist who just spent a harrowing hour looking down my throat would have known that. I now have to see if I can get something different...


Jerry said...

Glad to hear you finally slept. It just amazes me how concrete you have to get with physicians, sometimes to have your needs met. Don't wait for them to offer anything you have not asked for directly, just go ahead and ask. This may sound stupid, but have you tried crushing up the pill and placing them in liquid? If not do it. Hope you continue to improve and can get some relief from the pain soon, in the meantime enjoy your sleep.

Derek Erb said...

Thanks Jer.

The sleeping pill I can crush up, and do, however the other two are coated pills and can't be crushed. I'm sure there's some form of an alternative and, as you say, I just have to ask the doctor directly.