Monday, March 27, 2006

A release

What I had not mentioned in most of my previous blog entries, and part of the reason why I'm typing the last few days' entries up on March 30th, is that throughout the days I've been programming like a madman.

I have been advancing constantly in my programming project and I have seen the light at the end of the tunnel since at least last Wednesday. I knew I could do it. I therefore set the goal for myself that the latest version would be ready for release on Sunday morning so the client would have it waiting for them when they arrived to the office on Monday morning.

After days and days of programming as much as possible I was able to release the new version last night. It was an absolutely wonderful feeling of accomplishment. But also a great reminder that I can still be quite useful and am actually, at least in my opinion, quite special. Most people who know me will find it difficult to believe that my ego would need any form of assistance or reminding. But the pleasures of releasing this particular piece of programming was actually much more than I would usually have expected.

Due to confidentiality, which is of more importance to me than most other aspects of my work, I can't actually explain what the programming entailed. But I knew that part of the functionality of this new release was both revolutionary and long-awaited in this client's specific circumstances. There is a department within the client company which is normally remote, separate and therefore not connected to the specific database. However they are responsible for a certain aspect of the figures which are stored in the database. They keep these figures in their internal "database" and the two departments sents printed reports or spreadsheets back and forth with data changes. Humans being humans obvious discrepancies occur. This new release allows this separate department to directly access and modify the relevant portion of the data in the database. It works!

Now I am going to feel so much better when I prepare my quarterly programming invoice at the end of the month!

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