Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Some results...

I got my blood test and x-ray results in the post this morning.


I scanned them and sent them off to my doctor and he replied that all is normal.


I am hoping that at least eliminates blood cell diseases and such.


It’s always a pleasure to learn that I don’t have AIDS or hepatitis… although I also haven’t had whatever fun would have been involved to get either of those {vbg}


1 comment:

Jerry said...

Just read the last few days of your blog. Sorry to hear about your current medical excitement, I certainly hope it all turns out to be nothing to worry further about. Please keep me posted. Having had the requisite fun involved in acquiring Hepatitis and now enduring the ongoing medical monitoring on a bi-yearly basis,I can attest first hand that you indeed, should be happy that those tests turned out negative. Good luck with the surger, and hava a bottle of wine for me, tonight, although I am sure you don't need to be coaxed.