Saturday, January 14, 2006

I am not alone

I’ve been having one of those bad days… my throat is just absolutely killing me today… every swallow is the kind of pain where I want to punch a wall…

Out of minor depression I started looking around the net… My cancer is referred to as throat cancer because it started in the throat. The name of one’s cancer is determined by where the primary tumour is/was. In my case that was my left tonsil so technically I have tonsil cancer.

While browsing around I found Raph’s Tonsil Cancer site. The similarities are amazing. What was the best for me was to read some of the positive outcomes and how he is living a relatively normal life now…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a brilliant website that is!I felt like I was reading your blog as what he described is so similar to your case. I can imagine how you must have felt reading it. It is encouraging to see that he got his tastebuds back in a relatively short time, and the running bit was very inspiring, especially to someone like me. Have you tried to get in touch with him by email or whatever?