Saturday, October 08, 2005

The next step

Dr. Kanoui called. He has started the ball rolling and made the necessary appointments. He tends to talk to me like I know everything that's supposed to happen and like I know what he's talking about. Now is one of those times I wish I spent more attention to the teachers in biology classes rather than spending so much time with my head in the clouds.

He explained that they're going to insert a catheter under my skin under my clavicle. They'll be doing this under local anesthesia. This catheter will allow them to inject the chemo product every day without having to stick a needle in me daily. I suppose I should be grateful. However I wasn't really ready for this as I had not idea how all of this works. Then again... why should I.

He's scheduled the pose de l'appareil (installation of the mechanism) for Monday at 13:30. That's a bit sooner then I was psychologically ready for. But it gets it over with.

It's going to be a busy week for me and I"m going to get to know the clinic real well. Monday I've got this intervention under local anesthesia. Personally I would prefer they just knock me out completely but no one asked my opinion... as usual. Tuesday I go for a scanner, this time without injection, for them to start positioning this mask they use for the x-ray therapy. Wednesday I go back for them to simulate the x-ray therapy using the mask they will have made from the scan. Thursday I go for the clinical exam with Dr. Kanoui where we hopefully will get to ask him questions again. Desney will be coming with me to this exam.

Dr. Kanoui has confirmed that I'll be starting both chemotherapy and x-ray therapy on Monday (17/10). It's going to be a long week of waiting and anticipating...

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