Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I took off my bandages this morning and had my first real shower since the operation. It feels wonderful to feel clean again. Unfortunately that's about the only good feeling I can mention at the moment. I have to admit to being a bit depressed...

The scar is actually much, much worse than how it looks in this photo. The swelling of my face is also not quite so apparent in this photo. Basically it's one big bruise inside. As I touch it around the scar it's like a big internal black and blue mark. It feels much better with the bandage off and I have a bit more freedom of movement. I had thought that it was the bandage that was constraining my movement. To a certain extent that was so. But to a certain extent it's the wound itself which can't be stretched too much in either direction.

I obviously hope the swelling will go down and the scar will fade a bit with time...

I hate time.



Jerry said...

Dear Derek,
I am a bit hurt as you may imagine, as I have always been as nice to you as has been possible, waithing for you as I have waited for no man, tried to be as kind as I could be under the circumstances, given you genes and such, and always spoken well of you to space and dimension. Yet here you go publically stating your hatred of me on your blog, over a minor thing like a little scar on your neck, poor baby. We'll see how you like if if I start speeding up on you like I have for your handsome and brilliamy uncle Jerry who, nonetheless, still speaks highly of me. I am hoping for a complete retraction in this column in the near future.
Yours in Haste
Father Time

Jerry said...

Dear Derek,
I am a bit hurt as you may imagine, as I have always been as nice to you as has been possible, waiting for you, as I have waited for no man, tried to be as kind as I could be under the circumstances, given your genes and such, and always spoken well of you to space length, depth, etc. Yet here you go publically stating your hatred of me on your blog, over a minor thing like a little scar on your neck, poor baby. We'll see how you like if if I start speeding up on you like I have for your handsome and brilliamy uncle Jerry who, nonetheless, still speaks highly of me. I am hoping for a complete retraction in this column in the near future.
Yours in Haste
Father Time

Derek Erb said...

Being obviously "of a certain age"... Jerry repeats himself...

Jerry said...

Did I ask you What yet?