Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Ever so slightly... better

Today was not worse than yesterday and yesterday was not worse than the day before. The days are not the same either. They therefore must be… better. The difference is infinitesimal. But it’s positive…

Almost all of the mouth sores in my mouth and on my tongue are going away. That’s making it much easier for me to eat. I’m now able to eat at least one of my Rénutryl’s each day which should stop me losing any more weight.

I only awake 2 times a night now rather than 3. The first bout of sleep can sometimes last up to 4 hours. In between I still cough and I still cough up a ball of saliva eventually. But it’s better rather than worse.

The constant pain in the throat is pretty stationary. But breathing is easier. I still have no voice. Talking hurts and makes me cough. But I just avoid talking to the great pleasure of those around me.

The main improvement is that I can eat more and more and easier and easier now.

Now I just have to try and relax through the holidays…

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