Saturday, November 05, 2005

Day 20 – Passed my test

I had set my alarm and woke up early (7:00), jumped in the shower and then paced around for awhile. I couldn’t eat. At 7:45 I went to the lab for my pre-chemo blood test. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. He was pretty gentle. I explained I needed the results today and went home. At home I had a slow breakfast and lied around for most of the morning. At 13:30 I went to pick up my results.

I passed with flying colours. Absolutely every test was at normal levels. My kidneys are fine, my liver’s fine, my white blood cells are fine, my antibodies are fine and I still don’t have AIDS. This is all really good news as it means I shouldn’t have to have any supplementary treatment in addition to the chemo. I’ve seen others in the chemo room who have to get injections every day or worse (blood transfusions). I was very pleased with myself as it shows that my body is fighting off the chemotherapy correctly.

I spent the afternoon doing some accounting and correspondence and things I knew I would not be capable of doing next week. Desney spent most of the day shopping and then the late afternoon in the back garden working on the lawn. Once upon a time I did most of the lawn maintenance. But everything’s out of my hands at the moment…

Desney prepared a Choucroute. It was delicious. I seem to be able to handle salty foods much more so than sweet or spicy. Add a bit of Dijon mustard and this was great. I was able to get down half of an Alsatian beer while I watched the rest of the family finish off a wonderful bottle of André Ehrhart’s Gewurztraminer.

I finished my book: the first in the "In Death" series (Naked in Death) by J.D. Robb. Now I can get started on the second one (Glory in Death).


Jerry said...

I am glad to hear there was good news in the blood work and all the vital chitterlings are functioning properly and fighting off the invaders. Hopefully you will be able to join the mishpucha in enjoying some of dinner wine in the not to distant future. I continue to appreciate these updates. If you get a chance, (that is beginning to sound like a broken record), please let me know how the current unrest across France and apparently now, according to the local press, situated throughout Paris, may be affecting your family's day to day life. Has anything hit close to home? Is there any problem with travel to and from clinics, or liquuor stores. (Must keep priorities in order). Stay cool nephew, I love you.

Derek Erb said...

Our day to day life has not been affected at all.

The news tends to use the very generic term of the "suburbs" (banlieus) for the riot locations. I prefer the more specific term of the ghettos.

That said we had our first car burnings in our city, but not our neighbourhood, last night.

There is no problem travelling during the day to go just about anywhere. There are definitely places I wouldn't go to at night these days... but I don't go anywhere at night these days so it certainly doesn't affect me.

We're all safe and happy...