Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Telephone

This is an appeal to everyone. Please stop calling me on the telephone (home land line, office line or mobile phone)!

My voice is now below a whisper and I have to really shout to be even fainly heard on the phone. Oral conversation rapidly becomes quite painful and extremely frustrating for both parties.

E-mail works fine as does the comments section here on the blog. I also can sometimes be found on MSN Messenger with my old e-mail address ( or on Yahoo Messenger with my Yahoo account (dce42). I can type just as fast as I speak so instant messaging works fine for me. However plesae do not assume that because you see me online in one of these IM programmes that I am up and ready for a chat. Sometimes I just leave the computer on...


Jerry said...

Thank you for that, as almost every day I think that I would like to call, but can't help but wonder if your vouice would be up to it. You have answered my question till that part of the treatment is past, which I certainly hope along with you, is soon. We love you.

Anonymous said...

Derek, it was wonderful to run into yesterday in front of the cinema and I'm sorry you and the girls didn't get into see the new Harry Potter. I went with Paul to the later show, and enjoyed seeing all these well-known British actors strutting their stuff as wizards. You'll recognise a lot of them from BBC Prime.

For the benefit of your family and friends in the States who follow your blog, I just wanted to say that I thought you were looking good. Much better than your blog had led me to think. I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you sounded so upset about reactions at the Salon, that I wanted to reassure you. You're still the Derek we know and care for, and the weight loss just shows off your good bone structure!